Sunt fericita!Si totul imi merge din ce in ce mai bine.Evenimente placute se tin lant de mine.Si am ajuns la atunci cand te simti bine,ai incredere in tine si esti optimist,ti se intampla numai lucruri bune.
Aveam anul trecut pe la sfarsitul lui septembrie 3 vise.Mi-am propus ca anul acesta in septembrie sa mi se s-au indeplinit.Eforturile mi-au fost rasplatite.Si nu numai ca mi s-au indeplinit visele dar am avut o gramada de realizari la care nici nu visam.Am cunoscut persoane minunate care ma vor ajuta sa-mi indeplinesc in continuare visele.Am pierdut persoane care ma opreau din calea mea,imi puneau obstacole,dar nu regret.Am invatat multe,dar si mai multe voi avea de invatat de acum inainte.Acum stiu ca pot sa realizez ce mi-am propus si ce imi voi propune si nimeni si nimic nu ma va opri din drumul meu.Visele mele au devenit realitate.In viziunea altora era imposibil sa se indeplineasca,dar uite ca s-au indeplinit.
6 comentarii:
Diana : Fico feliz porque você está feliz.É muito bom saber quando uma pessoa está feliz e realizou seus desejos ou alcançou seus objetivos.
A maõ poderosa de DEUS está presente em sua vida ,e esta felicidade tem de ser preservada através de orações de agradecimento .Neste mundo em que vivemos é bastante dificl ficarmos felizes ,mas não é impossível .Temos que querer a felicidade e lutar para consegui-la .
multa multa fericire!
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Everything about horse betting
We came across an article on written by Bill Finley entitled "2005 was a lousy year for horse racing." In his article Mr. Finley cites 9 reasons why 2005 was such a bad year for horse racing in America. Although we agree with several of his observations, number 8 on his list, "U.S. Pari-Mutuel Handle Falls", should have been dealt with more objectively.
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There are two main forms of horse racing. There is harness racing and thoroughbred horse racing. The form of horse racing, which is popular in most parts of the world, is thoroughbred racing. On the other hand, harness racing is popular in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, France, and Italy. Another form of racing popular in US is the quarter horse racing.
The Triple Crown, like so many of our best traditions, wasn't created, it grew into being. During the late 1800's three different tracks created races to test the new crop of three year olds. These three races, the Belmont Stakes, the Preakness and the Kentucky Derby were held in the same year for the first time in 1875. It wasn't until 44 years later that Sir Barton (1919) became the first horse to win all three. The term, Triple Crown, wasn't coined until 1930 when Daily Racing Form's columnist, Charles Hatton, used it while covering Gallant Fox's winning efforts.
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As the field takes shape for the 131st running of the Preakness Stakes this Saturday, the question on everyone's minds is do we finally have a horse that can win the Triple Crown?
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